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Students from classes 1 to 12 should check out the new CBSE syllabus and study from the suggested list of NCERT books to ensure that their preparation is in line with the CBSE NCERT KVS curriculum. Students should analyse the topics in the CBSE syllabus and start studying from the very beginning to score good marks in the examination.
From this page, the students can obtain a class-wise CBSE 2022 syllabus that has been compiled for the benefit of the students. The students can obtain it from here and plan their studies to cover the syllabus in time. The CBSE syllabus 2022 has been prepared by the experts after due diligence and all the topics from the NCERT syllabus have been aligned with it. The syllabus contains subject-wise topics, divided into units containing different chapters. The students should go through the syllabus and practise important questions to obtain good marks in their examinations.